2016 is going to be a massive year here at the brewery… it’s our 20th birthday! To commemorate this milestone, we’re going to be launching a super special range of super special beers, and we’re looking for an artist (or artists) to help us to reflect this.
This is where you come in! We’re opening up the opportunity to be a part of our celebrations by creating a new side to our brand and having your design featured on pump clips across hundreds of bars and pubs around the country!
The briefs are as follows…
1. Our birthday range of beers, starting with Double Brimstone (where we’ll be cranking up the hops and ABV from the original version). For this one, we’d like something which maintains the spirit of the current Brimstone pump clip whilst taking it to a whole new level. There’d also be the opportunity to create special versions of the pump clips for the rest of our core range.
2. An entirely new series… a run of pieces following a theme focused around the Abbeydale Brewery archway.
3.Freestyle category! Anything goes, but we’re looking out for something that fits in with our ethos whilst moving our brand forwards.
You can enter as many ideas as you like for any or all of the above categories. Have a look around on our website for inspiration! Further opportunities to continue working with us may also be available. Winning pieces will be purchased by the brewery, artists retain all rights to the artwork up to this point.
The required dimensions are 127x102mm, allowing an extra 1mm around the edge for bleed, and each pump clip must display the Abbeydale logo (please be aware that this must not be modified), an ABV for the beer and our website, abbeydalebrewery.co.uk.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 13th January 2016.
To send in your submissions or for more information, including to request a hi-res version of the logo if required, please email [email protected].