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Step 2 is nearly here!

Step 2 is nearly here!

So confirmation has now been received that pubs are able to open for outside service from Monday 12th April – that’s next week! And we’re happy to announce that one of the pubs that will be doing so is our very own community pub, The Rising Sun. The Moonshine has been safely delivered (hooray!) and the team have been working incredibly hard to make their beer garden a welcoming space to while away the day with a pint or two!

The pub will be re-opening for drinks only initially, although we’ve got our pals at Proove Pizza on board who will be setting up their outdoor pizza oven every weekend to enjoy alongside a beer. (The plan is to re-open the kitchen when indoor service is able to recommence, hopefully from the 17th May – so we’ll have our legendary Sunday dinners back just as soon as we can.) And no need to book, so please just head down to see landlord Garry and the team – and keep an eye on the pub’s website and social media for all updates regarding opening hours and so on.

Of course the Rising Sun is not the only one to be throwing open if not its doors then at least the garden gates, and our team of drivers are back to full throttle and have been busy delivering delicious fresh cask and keg beer to pubs around our city and beyond! Sheffield CAMRA and This Is Sheffield are just two organisations that have been putting together lists of places that are able to re-open local to us, so do check that out too, and let us know where you’ll be heading for a beer!

Our online shop remains operational as always for beers at home, so if you’re not feeling quite ready to head out just yet, we’ve got you covered with a yummy range of cans. Our newest beer is an easy going session IPA called Emergence, brewed especially to celebrate being able to cautiously yet joyfully move into the new normal – the perfect beer to share in good company!

Anyway, here’s hoping for some beer-garden-friendly sunshine to enjoy – although I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a pint whatever the weather!



  • About Us

    A true Sheffield institution founded in 1996, Abbeydale Brewery blends heritage and tradition with creativity and innovation, showcasing these values across an unparalleled range of beers.

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  • Contact Us

    Abbeydale Brewery Ltd
    Unit 8, Aizlewood Road
    S8 0YX
    Telephone: 0114 281 2712
    Email: [email protected]


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