Celebrating everything malty, the Maltbox is your ticket to a taste sensation. That sensation? Barley, of the malted variety. Containing;
2 x Daily Bread – 3.8% traditional bitter, Noble hopped for a moreish spicy character
2 x Salvation Plum Porter – 5.2% fruit infused porter, brewed to a traditional recipe with real plum added to give a stone fruit tartness
2 x Black Mass – 6.66% Black IPA, with coffee and chocolate flavours from the malts, complemented by an abundance of hops from around the globe
3 x Oktoberfest – 5% Festbier, balanced, clean and crisp, with a rich, bread aroma and a delicately spicy noble hop character. A rich, burnished copper in colour, full bodied yet über quaffable.
3 x Irish Red – 4.3%, brewed in celebration of our brewer Thoms wedding, this traditional Irish style has been brought up to date with the inclusion of modern US hops